Web Design & Development For Your Company

Let us create your business a STLR website!


We will work hand in hand with your company to understand your business needs and make sure we know your revenue models, customer profiles, and functionality requirements.


We will create original website designs, optimized to work for your business requirements. No matter what your business needs online we can deliver a successful design to meet your goals.


We will make sure your project is developed and protected and accessible. We will always use industry best practices and trusted standards when creating your website.

STLR Web Design

We take the stress out of bringing your business online.

 We create compelling and unique designs that will make your business stand out from your competitors. We will have them doing a double take, by making your website the hottest one in your market!

Every web design project is different. We want to get to know your business, and understand your needs. We will develop a project timeline for your business.

We will use your companies brand voice to clearly communicate your message to your ideal customers online. We use clear calls to action to get your users to complete steps needed to accomplish your business goals.

We will create a mobile responsive website for your business. We make sure that your design looks just as good on a mobile device as it does a big screen TV. We design for every size of device in mind and create a dynamic and responsive web experience for your customers.


We love creating success online, and it starts with a great website.

Our Skills & Expertise

Here are some of the services we offer in our web design process

  • Website design and development
  • eCommerce design and development
  • Information architecture design
  • Usability testing
  • Forms and feedback mechanisms
  • CMS design and development
  • Mobile and responsive design
  • Pixel and analytics setup
  • Brand color strategy implemented into our designs

Our Process

We design your business website in a series of six major steps
1. Discovery phase
2. Plan and strategy
3. Design and development
4. Testing
5. Launch
6. Maintenance

Each one of the stages is crucial to the success of your business website. Let STLR's team of web experts design and develop your business website project!

Website Design: Discovery Phase

In order to create a website that works for you we need know everything about your brand. We will sit down with you one on one and learn all we can from you. We will answer any of your questions or concerns before the project gets started, and ask you any question we may have.

Some of the most common questions that arise at this stage are:

  • What do you need your website to do?
  • What functions and features do you need and/or want to have?
  • What is main purpose of your website?
  • What type of content do need to put on your website?
  • What are your overall marketing goals?

Your website needs to function for your business, but it also needs to work for your customers. We want to get a really good understanding of how your customer interacts with your brand. The more we know about your customers the better. Based on our experience, and knowing what works, we will be able identify key features your website will need. Some of these feature you may have thought of, but some of them you may have not. We are really good at planning websites. Let us help you plan yours!

During this phase we will also access where you current website stands. We will perform a detailed audit including determining your site's SEO ranking. We can then work with you to set benchmarks based on your future business goals.

Finally we will take a look at your competition. By studying what they are doing, and how they are doing it, we will be able to give you an edge with design, usability, and SEO.

Website Design: Creative Phase/Planning Phase

After we know all your business goals, everything about your customers,  and have determined what functions and features your website needs we can begin planning. Our planning phase begins with creating your website's sitemap. This is where we define the main navigation of your site in an easy to understand visual diagram. We will share this document with you for your approval. This will also determine if we are all on the same page with the progression of your new website.

Next we will layout the brand style guideline for your new website. We determine what fonts and colors we will be using, and how they will be used. Examples of this would be your navigation text, headline text, and body text. We will also determine the image style for the website, and how they are going to be used.

In the final phase of the Creative Phase/Planning Phase we will build your sites wireframe. This will allow you to see how your website flows from page to page, and where all the major elements will be.

Website Design: Development Phase

This phase is the most time intensive of the whole process. You know what your new website is going to look like, and you can't wait to finally see it. For you this is where you wait patiently. For STLR it's where we get to work. We will begin coding all the features and functions that your website will have. We will perform CSS magic to get all your page elements just where they need to be. Before you know it your will be interacting with your beautiful new website!

Website Design: Launch Phase

We have made through the entire process, and it's finally done. Well ... almost. Before we transition your new website from development into a live environment we need to ensure the new site works for all browsers and mobile devices. We will perform cross-browser testing looking for anything off. We will also perform domain mapping looking for any 404 errors, and making any needed corrections. During this phase we will also map your URL's to improve your SEO score, and install analytic tracking program.

After The Website Design

Now that your website is done your ready to officially launch your new website. STLR is still here for you when you need us. Websites often need routine maintenance and marketing. We offer plans that can help you maintain and market your website so you can focus on your business. Now that we have established a fantastic working relationship let's continue to work together for your business.